Dual Defense™ Portfolios

Professional Portfolio Management – Simplified

The AlphaSheet™ delivers 16 exceptional Model Portfolios to your inbox at each monthly rebalance that includes trade signals, client-friendly charts and statistics, plus a weekly Sunday Snapshot of current market activity.

Our advanced signal processing improves the selection of bull market leaders and our Dual Defense™ methodology provides better bear market exits.

RIAs and Family Offices no longer need to pay the high fees of outsourced investment professionals.

Emailed monthly upon portfolio rebalance

Easy to understand performance charts


Who We Are

Our technology and services are the result of more than three decades of research and development by SumGrowth Co-founder and CEO Scott Juds, a Stanford educated signal processing engineer.

The company’s first service, SectorSurfer, was launched in 2010. Today, over 25,000 online subscriber strategies and portfolios are processed daily.

Why Choose The AlphaSheet

AlphaSheet model portfolios represent the product of 30 years of research.

Client Friendly Deliverables

Each model comes with information that’s easy to share including simplified charts describing portfolio construction and easy-to-understand performance explanations.

Simplified Portfolio Management

Our professionally developed Investment Models eliminate the need for technical analysis and trading platforms so you can focus on acquiring and serving your clients.

Advanced Momentum and Risk Mitigation

Our advanced momentum detection and risk mitigation methodologies improve the selection of bull market leaders and provide better bear market exits.

The Dual Defense Portfolios

A comprehensive set of strategies that addresses a broad range of client investment profiles

Thematic Dual Defense™ Portfolios
CAGR Risk No MaxDD
Alpha Bonds8.4%2510.0%
SNUG Tact. Risk Mitigation14.3%2812.0%
Alpha Stylebox Dual Defense16.6%3925.0%
Alpha Sectors Dual Defense22.8%3121.0%
Alpha Global Dual Defense19.0%3616.0%
Alpha Green Dual Defense15.5%4616.0%
Alpha Innovation Dual Defense22.2%4926.0%
Alpha Stocks Dual Defense35.0%2924.0%
Blended Dual Defense™ Portfolios
CAGR Risk No MaxDD
Alpha 20:80 Dual Defense10.2%249.0%
Alpha 40:60 Dual Defense12.5%229.0%
Alpha 60:40 Core Dual Defense13.3%2710.0%
Alpha 60:40 Sectors Dual Defense16.3%2312.0%
Alpha 60:40 Global Dual Defense12.6%2610.0%
Alpha 60:40 Green Dual Defense13.0%2610.0%
Alpha 60:40 Stocks Dual Defense25.9%2318.0%
Alpha 80:20 Dual Defense17.4%2611.0%

Example Portfolio: The SNUG Tactical Risk Mitigation Portfolio

The SNUG Tactical Risk Mitigation Portfolio is our flagship defensive portfolio designed for conservative investors seeking steady growth. The portfolio is made from four underlying strategies that utilize our cutting-edge rules-based momentum algorithm to select trend leaders from a diverse universe of over 60 ETFs, including bonds, treasuries, gold, and the S&P 500. With a 60/40 backbone and the inclusion of defensive ETFs to challenge momentum leadership, the Tactical Risk Migitgation Portfolio offers a superior approach to defensive investing.

Keys to The AlphaSheet Process

Momentum detection is key to how we select bull and bear market funds. The challenge is to see past market noise with the aim of selecting momentum leaders.

Momentum Detection Chart

We seek momentum leaders in both bull and bear markets

defensive icon

We automatically rotate to defensive funds in bear markets

fund selection icon

Low-noise signal processing leads to better fund selections

How Our Process Works

Bull Bear Market Indicator

Bear Market Indicated

When StormGuard indicates a bear market, each of the portfolio’s underlying strategies selects a momentum leader from among a defensive set of candidate ETFs (such as bonds, treasuries, commodities, and others). StormGuard acts as Dual Defense’s first line of defense.

Bull Market Indicated

In Bull Markets, each of the underlying momentum strategies within a portfolio select a momentum leader from among a set of candidate equity funds, which includes a broad “backstop” fund designed to act as a performance floor for the Strategy. We refer to the backstop’s defensive benefit as “TrendGuard,” the second line of defense of Dual Defense. Most AlphaSheet portfolios incorporate the TRM (Tactical Risk Mitigation) Portfolio as its backstop.

Leverage The AlphaSheet For Your Practice

Alpha Sheets
The AlphaSheet is a great fit for RIAs who:

Prefer to focus on relationship management rather than portfolio management.

Appreciate an advanced, yet easy to communicate process to help guide client expectations.

Need a comprehensive set of strategies that addresses each of their client investment profiles.

Scott Juds

Scott Juds, Chairman and CEO
SumGrowth, Inc.
The AlphaSheet
Alpha Daily Brief

“We believe momentum detection is the key to profitable fund selection for both bull and bear market holdings. The challenge is to see past market noise to select momentum leaders. In unusual equity markets like we’ve experienced from 2021 through 2023, momentum signals can become degraded by market noise resulting from policy-induced reversals. TrendGuard can then become an important defensive tool that seeks to provide a performance floor when longer term momentum can’t get traction. Together with StormGuard, this approach provides what we call Dual Defense.”

~ Scott Juds, Chairman and CEO SumGrowth, Inc.